星际线上娱乐门诊检测的正常工作时间是周一到周五早上7点到下午5点. 几个小时之后, 任何门诊检查或入院,请出示位于医院后面的急诊室登记. Our ER Registration is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 请提前30分钟到达,以便有时间登记.
What To Expect at Pre-Admission and Outpatient Registration
无论您是来这里做一个简单的实验室测试,星际线上娱乐友好而礼貌的门诊注册代表都会为您的注册需求服务, x射线测试, 当日手术, or inpatient services. Please be assured that all information requested will remain confidential.
到达星际线上娱乐的大厅后,星际线上娱乐的辅助人员会迎接您,并为您签到. 在某些情况下,你可能会遇到等待期,你可能会得到一个病人呼机. 辅助人员将启动传呼机通知招生代表你的到来. 在通知, 一名住院代表将协助下一名病人到挂号处.
You will be asked to provide your name, address, 电话号码, insurance information, 照片的身份证, and other pertinent information to complete your registration. After the registration process has been completed, 招生代表将引导你到指定的部门进行测试.
What You Will Need To Bring
- A form of photo identification
- 保险卡(s)
- Estimated payment due for services rendered. We accept cash, check, and credit/debit cards.
- Physician Outpatient or Admission Order, if applicable
如果你 are planning to be admitted to our facility, you should bring a robe, slippers with non-skid soles, 牙刷, 牙膏, and a comb or hair brush for your comfort during your stay. Clothes to wear when you are discharged can be brought after you are admitted.
We request your 照片的身份证 and insurance cards at each 访问 for security reasons. 星际线上娱乐医院使用电子扫描设备来获取与您医院账户相关的信息, and this information includes your 照片的身份证. 扫描您的照片有助于确保星际线上娱乐选择了正确的患者病历,其中包含您的病史. It also protects you from others who may wish to steal your medical identification.
Insurance Pre-Certifications
许多预定的或非预定的门诊外科手术需要预先认证. 星际线上娱乐的保险核查人员将与您的保险公司联系,以获得您的福利和在您服务之日应支付的任何估计费用. 出于礼貌, 如果需要通知或预认证,星际线上娱乐也会联系您的医生办公室,以避免您的索赔被拒绝或您的福利减少. 请与您的保险公司核实,以确保您和您的医生符合所需的治疗前授权. 如果您对您的预约有任何疑问,您也可以致电(79)241-3634或(979)241-5519与星际线上娱乐联系.
Outpatient (Central Scheduling)
当你的医生选择在马塔戈达地区医疗中心安排门诊服务时, our scheduling department will contact you for your preferred date and time. 此调度过程可用于您的提供商订购的任何测试或程序. (Outpatient labs do not require an appointment.),也可致电(979)241-5966与星际线上娱乐联络,或利用您的星际线上娱乐网站查询任何预约事宜. 来访时请准备好您的保险信息和医嘱.
Billing 信息
出于礼貌 to you, 医院将把账单提交给你的保险公司,并将尽一切可能加快你的索赔. 然而, 请记住,你的保险单是你和保险公司之间的合同, and you have the final responsibility for payment of your hospital charges. 星际线上娱乐也有几个付款选项,以帮助您支付您的账单. After receiving your bill, 如有任何问题或疑虑,请致电商务办公室(979)241-5503.
如果你 have certain tests, 治疗, or procedures in the hospital, you may receive bills from physicians you did not see in person. 这些账单是这些医生在你是病人期间提供的诊断和解释检查结果的专业服务. 病理学家, 放射科医生, 心脏病专家, anesthesiologists, emergency physicians, 住院医师, 其他专家提供这些服务,并被要求提交单独的账单. 如果你 have questions about these charges, please call the number printed on the statement you receive from them.
Important 信息, Forms, and Notices
Important information, forms and notices, can be found on the 病人的权利 and Responsibilities 页面. 如果你, 所爱的人, or someone in your charge is admitted to this facility, you are highly encouraged to become familiar with your rights and responsibilities. The information you will find on this 页面 includes information on your rights, our privacy notice, medical records disclosures, Advance Directives, 和更多的.
病人 & Family Welcome Center
Don’t forget to 访问 the 病人 & Family Welcome Center 查找前患者确定的信息和链接,这些信息和链接对于规划您的医院访问至关重要.
Payments can be made in person, by phone, mailed, or by logging into your 星际线上娱乐.
是的, 付款安排可通过(979)241-5519或(979)241-3634与财务代表联系.
When a physician specialist performs these services, he/she is generally required to submit their bill separate from the hospital’s bill.
是的, as a courtesy to our patients, Matagorda Regional Medical Center will submit the bill to your insurance carrier. 如果你 have a secondary insurance company, 原保险公司赔付后,将向二级保险公司提出索赔. You are requested to provide any billing information that the insurer may require.
马塔戈达地区医疗中心将在从保险公司收到付款并确认患者欠下剩余余额后,处理并向患者发送账单. 这个过程的长度取决于从你的保险公司收到回复需要多长时间, and whether there is a secondary insurance.
为每个门诊服务日期和每个住院患者生成一个单独的帐号. 这使星际线上娱乐能够收取与您在服务日期的护理有关的具体费用和诊断,并使您的保险公司能够申请适当的福利. 例外:重复门诊服务,如物理治疗或伤口护理治疗, one account number is generated each month.
医疗保险和医疗补助中心(CMS)要求医院公开发布一份机器可读的电子病历.g., XML, CSV) list of their standard charges via the Internet. You can 访问 the 标准收费 & 成本估算 页面 here.